Sunday, September 30, 2012

13 weeks out and Improving

August 18, 2012 and I am 13 weeks out.

Spent 2 weeks at home in Newfoundland where although I ate clean for the most part I did have a few slip-ups, however no weight was gained and with this being my first week back I have already lost 3 pounds.

I am currently sitting at 131 pounds but I am feeling exhausted. We took my pictures again a few days ago and compared to my first ones, there is an amazing difference. I can see much more definition all throughout my body now even just when I am stagnate.

Looking forward to leaning out more and seeing the transformation now that a show date has been decided and that goal has been set.

I would post my before and after pictures on here however while uploading them to my computer I accidentally deleted my before ones and I was so mad.

Here is a picture though of my neice (who is my pride and joy) and myself running on the beach during my vacation in Newfoundland.

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