Sunday, September 30, 2012

So much info in 1 day

You guys may very well be wondering why so many blogs posts in one day.

Well for a couple of reasons; firstly I have been toying with the idea of creating a blog to voice my trials and triumphs, complaints, joys and hardships through this fitness experience so I have been keeping a journal.

Secondly, I would like my friends and family to really gather an understanding of what it takes to do something like this, how tough it is but how thrilling it is at the same time to see your body transform.

Thirdly, if I can motivate, encourage or help anyone move to get fit, by reading this than I will be extremely happy :)

All these posts came out in the first day of my fitgirlsrock blog creation because these are basically my journal entries up to this point, well a collection of my thoughts is more like it, and so now today with this last post you are up to date and know were I currently am in training, focus and life.

Any questions? Drop me a line, I'd be happy to hear from you.

Andrew returns

There are a couple of things going on in my world this week.

Hooray!!! Most of my size 2 pants are too big. Some I can’t even wear however I don't know the weight I will be at after the competition so I’ll hang on to them for now but I would like to stay and aim for size 0.

Been having moments of dizziness coupled with nausea and exhaustion again but I believe it has to do with drops in sugar levels so I have been eating a tbsp of peanut butter here and there to help.
Andrew returns and is back at it with a vengeance…lol.
Total body workout:
100 chin ups (50 wide grip & 50 narrow grip)
100 barbell squats with 135lbs
100 elevated push ups
Needless to say my plan of doing intervals plus cardio as well didn’t pan out.
I only managed to complete my 1 hour of cardio on the treadmill alternating inclines from 8-10-12-15. I was way too pooped!
Overall, I am feeling great! Andrew did notice some great differences in me, more veins, leaner and that’s exactly what I was hoping for and needed to hear. He was surprised that there has been no movement on the scale but at least there is a difference and it looks like I am doing things right.

Had other people come up to me in the gym as well and comment on how lean I look and how much I am improving so that always keeps me motivated

Andrew suggested possibly starting to do a quick morning cardio session on top of the evening one to see if that helps burn more fat. Not looking forward to getting up any earlier but its all apart of the process and I knew this was coming eventually.
Talked to the spray tan lady today and have an idea of what I need to do there. Its $95 for 2 competition tanning sessions, she has a recommended exfoliate ($25) so I am completing a trial (one coat only) to gauge the color tomorrow.
Sent out the poster and reminder for the ladies at work who asked about getting tickets to the competition which makes me nervous because I don’t want to disappoint them all but yet keeps me focused to reach my goals and makes me feel great that they want to come to support me.

My friends, colleagues and family have been really encouraging and supportive through all of this which really helps because it is a very tough process. Thanks everyone for the support, encouragement, confidence and motivation.

Emotional Roller Coaster

September 24th
Today has been a whirlwind sort of day emotionally. I am all over the map with my moods and this is getting old. Kevin must be going crazy, dealing with me. I find that I have an extremely hard time not being irritable. I was annoyed because I wanted to get on the road to go home, I felt guilty because I know I won’t fit a workout in today (no cardio or weights), and because my life seems to be constantly so busy & rushed with no time to breathe and relax whether I am working or on days off.

On a brighter note, Kevin and I talked, well had a moment, and then we moved on and cheered up and I bought a new car today, a 2013 Equinox.

Tomorrow is another day and I was informed that the big day is now only 54 days away. Yikes! Andrew is back this week as well and I know I have made some progress since he left so I am hoping he notices the changes right away.
This week’s goals are:
-Eat clean as usual
-3-4L of water a day (as many 4L days as possible)
-complete intervals on top of my regular workouts as much as possible
- stay focused and positive
-complete one fast day/ shift (possibly Monday, October 1)

8 weeks out

Its the 8 weeks out point and boy am i nervous. I see results but I am not sure where I should be at this point so I am unclear about whether or not I will be ready.
Beautiful weekend so I started each morning with my cardio (walk/run), feeling great- muscles are stiff and sore in my butt and legs but I feel positive again. Went into town to do some shopping and enjoyed my quiet time, however I still feel like I need some relaxation—maybe a spa day or something would be nice. Just a thought!!
I was over the moon this afternoon when I tried on a pair of size 0 capris and they fit like a glove, so of course I bought them. My first size 0 pants.

I ended my day at the gym and my workout was fabulous. Bis, abs, intervals and incline walk (2 hours total).
A little concerned that I may not be eating enough. A typical day starts with a shake, egg whites, then protein and greens for lunch, a shake post workout and usually another protein and greens somewhere else in the day. Moodiness comes and goes with no real pattern or reason, it has to be the diet.

Another exciting note: I did win a free photo shoot (one on one) for competition day so I am super, super excited about that and it gives me more motivation to look my very best and push myself hard to get there.

I noticed the vein in my right bicep is starting to protrude more and that pleases me immensely. I will be taking pictures every couple of weeks to take note of any changes and progress.

Overall I am very happy with how I feel, with my energy levels and the differences I can see in my body.

I got this!!



September 21st

Starting my morning as planned with cardio and it’s a beautiful sunny day.

Egg whites and a shake for breakfast and then relaxing with some yoga while Kevin went to pick up the boys.

Feeling cravings for food that I am not allowed today and wishing I could eat something bad…
Stayed focused and strong however and kept busy. Got my leg workout in at the gym and my evening cardio but by supper time I was pooped and on the low energy side.

Finally registered for the show and got a message that they are giving away a free photo shoot for the next 10 to register, fingers crossed that I get it.
I noticed when I undressed for the shower that my veins are more noticeable in my ab and arm area which is a great sign of getting leaner. I find at this point that I am constantly looking at my body for any slight change or new vein.

I have increased my leg workouts to twice a week as I am hoping to bring out the definition there that I am lacking.
Anyway I got through the day but it was a tough one. My workout did perk me up and make me feel better though. I have to take this thing day by day now and stay as positive and focused as well. Things do seem to be progressing and I am looking leaner.

Finally Days Off

September 19 & 20th, 2012

September 19th is my last day of shift and I can finally sleep in and allow my body the extra rest it deserves. Been having some great workouts.

Egg whites are starting to make me want to gag, so I am taking a break from them for a bit.

Been searching around a lot today for a themed costume and with Andrews approval and my husbands oh yeah, I have now ordered cat woman. Yikes!

My first consult for my suit is also today at 9am so that brings excitement and I should get my shoes any day now. We established a color, a design and price for the suit.

One word of advice: don’t let anyone every tell you that prep for a competition is easy or cheap. Between the suit, supplements, shoes, theme wear, competition fees, tanning and so on it gets to be very expensive.

One other thing: when a woman decides to do something there is no break in all the other daily activities in life like housework, etc. and I started to have moments where by I was getting annoyed because I felt like I there wasn't a moment to sit and relax but what’s the use and at least I can get gratification in knowing that I can do everything on top of the workouts, etc.

Goals for my 5 days off:
-complete cardio twice daily (one morning session and one evening session). I am striving for a really good week and some more weight lose. I would like to reach 125 before my next appt with Andrew on September 27; it’s doable as its only 3 pounds in 8 days....... let’s do this!!!

We left for Innisfail on September 20th but didn’t get there until 1:30am so it was 2am before we crawled into bed and I was beat. At least Kevin drove.

Overall how do I feel? A mixture of emotions as usual; excited about my suit, theme wear and shoes and happy to have them all ordered. Tired but hoping to get in some relaxation and me time this weekend as well as focused on my goals.

Finally it Moved

So another day closer to my goals and today I am ecstatic. I finally saw the scale move to the 120’s. I am currently sitting at 128lbs. Super Excited! I am not sure if it’s the positive attitude, the fast day yesterday but I am at least seeing movement.
I also found a dramatic increase in energy yesterday and I took on a really positive outlook. The energy may have come from the carb reload day on Sunday but no matter what it was, I felt great! I had a great run last night and we worked shoulders and abs as well. Kevin took my pics and my abs look tighter (not much muscle definition but tighter) and my back is friggin’ awesome.
I was even feeling lighter J I posted the pics to facebook and got some amazing comments from friends which all helps in the motivational process.

Talked to the suit lady yesterday and I have my first consult on Thursday morning at 9am—excited about that as well.
I am determined again today to stay focused and positive. I am feeling more tired than yesterday though and sitting here at my desk at work doesn’t help but such is life.
I have requested my time off before the competition as well as approval to take one day a weekend off so we will see what becomes of that. 

Goal Today—Stay Focused and Keep Going!

Positive Thinking is the Key

September 17th

Am I getting leaner? Holy smokes I sure hope so….but I am not feeling it every day. I can certainly notice more veins showing up while I am working out especially in my arms, which I know is a great sign so I am continuing to truck along.
Yesterday was a bit of a hard day for me because although it was carb reload day, I was completely drained, tired and out of it—my head just felt foggy. I'm not sure I have ever mentioned carb reload day--Sunday the day to eat oatmeal, rice or quinoa.
I left work early as I always do on weekends and headed straight to the gym all the while thinking I don’t know where the energy is coming for this (plan was total body workout, 20min interval training on the bike plus cardio outside). I made it through but I think the main reason why was motivation and determination after I had 2 people come up to me and tell me that they can see noticeable difference in me and that I look great.
I did complete the workouts without any issues and headed to Abasand Hill for cardio which got cut short because a black bear came out and crossed the path and I booted it for the car…lol. I did get 2 ½ rounds up and down the hill.

After all the energy I used to complete my workouts, I had nothing left and I was exhausted when I got home. I ate, had a nice bath to sooth my muscles where I fell asleep and got into bed at 8:45pm in tears because I am so depleted, drained and lacking motivation.

Today I am feeling better and I started telling myself on Saturday that this will be a big week for me change wise. I am going to see the scale drop and notice a significant change in my body after this week—I have to. I am working so hard… today I am starting with a fast day (I woke up and had a shake and I brought some pb with me and a green pepper in case I start to feel so bad that I need to eat something), I will have a shake as well after my workout, there will be no nuts or coffee for me this week, I will drink no less than 4 liters of water a day and I will keep that willpower and focus. I want to up my cardio to twice daily on my days off as well. I just want to see if making these minor changes will help move the scale. 

A couple of other things that are happening, I got an email from the lady who makes the suits and I have to have that all finalized for her by weeks end. Scary but I have picked some ideas and I am looking forward to the consult. I think I am going with purple.

Should receive my shoes this week or next and I need to start practicing in those 5 inch heels…ouch!
The other thing that was suggested to me is that I start to get my husband to take my pictures each week at the same time so that I can see what changes are being made week to week. 

One thing that I have noticed is that positive thinking is a key factor in getting through this. I just have to remember that on my bad days!

Onward to 9 weeks out

September 15th

So if you asked me how I feel today? you would get exhausted, excited, defeated—a mixture of emotions all wrapped into one I guess.

I got onto the scale again this morning because I was feeling lighter but not a movement still holding steady at 130lbs. I suppose I should be happy that at least I haven’t gained and I should take comfort in the fact that I am getting compliments on my great shape and looking leaner.
When I woke this morning, I had stomach issues coupled with the fact that I am exhausted so I decided to stay home and take a sick day from work. Glad that I did….I slept until 10:50am which is so not like me so I must have been really tired. These strenuous workouts with the early 4:30am mornings are taking a toll on me so I have decided to ask for either the Sat or Sun of each shift off to recoup, get some house work done, cook, catch up on laundry and workout early enough to get home and relax in the evening.
Eating wise I have been doing pretty well at least 5-6 small meals a day consisting of egg whites, protein shakes, chicken breasts, green veggies and every now and again a little snack on nuts.

Workouts have been going well too, however energy wise I can notice a little difference (less energy than normal) but I am pushing through, lifting well and feeling great.
Using anything that I can find for motivation such as pinterest, posters, quotes, blogs, texts to others, etc. this process is a lot tougher than I had anticipated and staying focused on the prize is some times a hard thing to do but I am motivated and my will power is strong so I know that I can do this.
This week I have decided that I am going to try to be a little more resilient—not that i am cheating or anything but little things like a few nuts should be cut and I am contemplating one fast day every second Monday starting September 17 just to see if it moves the scale at all.

I have no problem right now fitting in all the workouts and cardio sessions so I am not changing that routine yet unless Andrew suggests otherwise.

Here is to another week and reaching those goals!!

10 weeks out

Feeling discouraged with no movement on the scale but feeling amazing in terms of energy and workouts.

Had a couple of episodes of lightheadedness throughout the weekend but it passed fairly quickly, i believe it is due to the sugar levels in my body being on the low side.
We travelled to Innisfail and I was a little concerned about keeping on track with diet and workouts but it all worked out really well.

Set my mind on Monday night to get up early before work (4am) to complete a High Intensity workout and I have been feeling great all day.

Was late starting my period this month and I was feeling rather bloated. I am really hoping that I will see said movement once this is over, diet has been going well this week. I won’t ever say easy but tolerable as I am getting used to it.

Workouts couldn’t be better. I did have a slip on Wednesday but I wasn’t feeling well due to my period so I only did the 45minutes of cardio and listened to my body and rested.
Back at it on Thursday though with shoulders, back and abs, 20 sets of stairs and 20 minutes on the treadmill at max incline. I will get all the required workouts in for the week.

On another high note Andrew took my measurements last night and although the scale hasn’t moved the inches are coming off still. I am also noticing a little more tightness in my abs and some veins in my biceps.

Current measurements:
chest is 86.5 from 93.5 (-7cm)
waist is 75.5 from 87.5 (-12cm)
hips are 93.5 from 104 (-10.5cm)
right leg is 55.5 from 59.5 (-4cm)
right arm is 27.5 from 31 (-3.5cm)
These results give me the motivation I was looking for after being a little down because the scale hasn’t been moving.
Also I should note for more motivation that I am currently wearing a size 2 down from a size 7-8, some of my size 2 pants are too big and I can actually fit into a size 0. Holy cow…that’s incredible!
This week, late in the week (September 14), based on Andrew's suggestion, I started taking L-Carnitine (3 capsules before exercise and 3 capsules after spread out throughout the day; all my other supplements have remained the same (BCAA, FishOil, Vitamin C x2, multi vitamin x2, calcium, whey protein (morning and after workout), caffeine x2, ephedrine x2) however I am trying a new brand of protein (ISO100) which is 106 calories per scoop, 24 protein, 1 carb and 0 fat and sugar—tastes great so far)
As far as diet goes it is remaining consistent: I generally have a shake first thing in the morning, egg white omelet next, chicken and green veggies for lunch, a chicken salad with green veggies later and another shake after my workout, at least 1 gallon of water daily and 2-3 cups of green tea).
Purchased my shoes on ebay yesterday which is exciting and scary, they have little rhinestones in them.
Here is a glimpse of them, a little on the stripper side of things but this is the requirement. I hope they fit when they arrive.
I don’t feel there is much more to my life these days other than work, workouts, diet plans and worrying about abs and leg definition. However I am positive and I do feel that I will get there. I am hanging in there with the thought that "it’s suppose to be hard if it wasn’t everyone would do it" going through my head.

I am crossing my fingers that something will give to make the scale move soon. Support from my husband (God love him because he is dealing with a lot through this process as well), work colleagues, Andrew is an amazing help as well as the other 2 girls I know going through the same thing as me certainly helps.

Trucking Along!

Getting Closer

At 11 weeks out my weight is currently sitting at 130lbs which is not really much of a movement after one week of eating carb free.

I am feeling good energy wise however and being that I am still off on vacation I am taking advantage of the time to workout throughout the day. Currently I am doing my cardio in the morning outside while the weather is still cooperating and weights later when Kevin gets home from work, so we can go together. 
This week I have tackled Abasand Hill everyday for 4-6 reps up and down (running)


My mom and dad left to go home on September 5th so it was a hard day for me. I didn’t give in to wanting to eat junk and I did complete my workouts but I was pretty down and everything was getting to me especially this diet. By Friday I was irritable and grouchy and feeling sorry for myself.

Went out of town to visit my husband's parents and kids for the weekend and I did surprisingly well, I was emotional and out of sorts but I had great workouts was feeling good about my body and stuck to my diet.

Although the scale isn't moving much I am getting leaner. I can feel and see noticeable changes in my body.

12 weeks out

Yikes!!! 12 weeks out.

Feeling awesome but everyone feels great when they are on vacation. My mom and dad are here to visit but I am still eating clean and maintaining all my workouts.

I received an email from Andrew drastically changing the diet and upping the workout routine. Currently we are starting the carb depletion diet in order to keep from being pushed in the last few weeks before the competition.

My diet now only consists of egg whites, green veggies, white fish and chicken breast, 1 shake after my workout, 1 gallon of water along with my supplementation.

My workouts now include cardio daily, 2 sessions of high intensity cardio per week and 5 days of weight training. (legs, shoulders, back and bis, chest and tris and a total body workout)
So far I have been feeling awesome energy wise and am going strong. Glad mom and dad are here although they are not impressed with my diet plan, mostly because they don't understand the process, however they are being supportive. I will admit some slipups like some nuts and coffee for example but nothing drastic.
I am so stoked to be going through this process because this has always been a dream of mine. Praying that I make it and am ready in time.

Here is the poster for the competition I am taking part in.

Background Info on Myself and my Job

I figured in order to keep posting updates on my progress, achievements and so on. It would help, as we go along, for you to have better understanding of a day in my life.

Since I live in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada and it is really a city that resolves around work, I work shift. Currently 9, 11 hour days with 5 days off and repeat. I do have a great vacation plan so that helps with this process.

A typical day for me starts at 4:30am when the dreaded alarm goes off and I have to get up to get ready for work. Just a note: I am NOT nor have I ever been a morning person yet here I am with such early hours--Go Figure!

Anyhow, I am usually at my desk by 6am depending on traffic and if you live in Fort McMurray you understand what I mean by traffic.

My work day runs from 6am -5pm (I am a Contract Administrator) and as soon as 5pm hits, I am headed for the gym. My bag is prepacked the night before and sitting in my car.

Off I go to the gym, generally excited #1 because I am finished work for the day and #2 because I love the gym. Once there, I am either working out with Andrew, by myself or with my husband and I complete one hour of weights followed by one hour of cardio.

I choose to complete cardio after weights because I found that working out with Andrew after cardio was much harder so I just kept it that way.

Once my time at the gym is complete, home I go for my post workout shake. I don't always eat supper but there is lunch to pack for work the next day and as a women there is all the general things that come with keeping a home in order (Ladies you understand what I mean). I usually crawl into bed somewhere around 10pm.

Luckily at this point in my life, I don't have any kids at home to tend to on top of everything else.

My next hurdle will be trying to incorporate morning cardio before work because I know that's coming.

On our 5 days off, we generally make the 6 hour drive to Innisfail (my husband's home town) to see his parents and kids (he has 4 kids from a previous marriage).

I don't enjoy the drive but I don't mind getting away from Fort McMurray for a few days to the quietness of the country. And I generally don't have issues fitting in my workouts or mantaining my diet while away.

So there you have it; a typical day in my life.

13 weeks out and Improving

August 18, 2012 and I am 13 weeks out.

Spent 2 weeks at home in Newfoundland where although I ate clean for the most part I did have a few slip-ups, however no weight was gained and with this being my first week back I have already lost 3 pounds.

I am currently sitting at 131 pounds but I am feeling exhausted. We took my pictures again a few days ago and compared to my first ones, there is an amazing difference. I can see much more definition all throughout my body now even just when I am stagnate.

Looking forward to leaning out more and seeing the transformation now that a show date has been decided and that goal has been set.

I would post my before and after pictures on here however while uploading them to my computer I accidentally deleted my before ones and I was so mad.

Here is a picture though of my neice (who is my pride and joy) and myself running on the beach during my vacation in Newfoundland.

Improvements in Lifting

As I mentioned in my last post, I have made some significant achievements in terms of weight lifted and endurance.

Here are some of my accomplishments:

Barbell Squat: weight achieved = 155lbs, Achieved = 165lbs in June, Achieved = 175lbs July 5th (6 reps), Achieved= 185lbs July 26th (10 reps), Achieved 205lbs July 12th (6 reps), Achieved 225lbs Dec 10th (8 reps), Achieved 235lbs May 27th, 2013 (5 reps)

Overhead Barbell Squat: new exercise for me= got 5 with 60lbs Jan 18, 2013

Dead lift: weight achieved = 195lbs and 225lbs, 255lbs March 11, 2013

Here is the initial video for the 195lb dead lift:
What an amazing feeling that was!

Tricep dip off of a bench: weight achieved = 35lb plate, Achieved 45lb plate in June

Chest dip (body weight): Achieved 10 no pause in June, Achieved 6 with 25lb plate July 13 achieved 10 with 35lb plate

Bench Press: 95lbs; achieved 115lbs on January 30, 2013, achieved 125lbs on March 6, achieved 135lbs March 21
Chin ups: achieved = 6 total, Achieved 7 total on July 6, Achieved 8 total on July 13, Achieved 4 with a 10lb weight attached to me on March 11, 2013.
(this is by far my proudest achievement to date because when I started I couldn't complete any)

Pull-ups: achieved 6 full clean pull-ups Jan 7th, 2013, achieved 7 full clean on jan 21

Seated shoulder press: current max is 30lb dumbbells each hand

Leg Press: 3 plates each side for 12 reps, 5 plates each side for 5 reps- Feb 19,2013, 7 plates per side for 10 reps- May 21, 2013

Plank: 3 min 30 sec (regular) as well as 30sec with 90lbs on back, 4 minutes (regular)

Weighted Vest (60lbs): Up/Down 7 flights of stairs (2 @ a time x 5 sets) - July 17

Weighted Walking Lunges: Achieved 3 sets of 10 each leg= 45lb dumb bells on July 12, achieved 3 sets of 10 each leg with 50lb dumb bells on December 13th, achieved 1 set of 10 each leg with 60lb dumb bells on may 27, 2013

Dumb bell clean & press: achieved 1 set of 5 each arm with 40lbs on January 7th, achieved 2sets of 5 each arm with 50lb dumb bells, January 24, achieved 55lb each arm February 2013, achieved 60lb each arm May 2013

Barbell clean & press: achieved 85lbs for 5 reps January 24, achieved 90lbs for 5 reps February

I will keep updating this post as I continue to meet new goals.

Intermittant Fasting

I have to go back a step and inform you all about a technique we tried around mid February- early March known as intermittant fasting. We started with a 10-day program which incorporated days of fasting with days of high/low calorie and a cheat day (the best part) then we moved into a couple of 7 day programs.

After several weeks of following this, I had noticed some serious drops in weight and inches. Its funny how we believe that as soon as our stomach growls we need food immediatley, this is not the case, in fact on the fasting days I found I had more energy than on the non-fast days and it helped me learn when my body is really hungry vs when I just want food because its routine to do so.

This program is not however something that I would do for long periods of time but something that for me seemed to kick start my body in the right direction.

Beginning Measurements and weight:
chest: 93.5cm
waist: 87.5cm
hips: 104cm
right leg: 59.5cm
right arm: 31cm

As of July 6th
chest: 89cm
waist: 77cm
hips: 96cm
right leg: 55.5cm
right arm: 28cm

So at this point things really seemed to improve for me and started to come together. I have also made some serious improvement in endurance and in how heavy I can lift.

I didn't realize how passionate I am about fitness and how much I love it but everyday I enjoy it more and more.


A Date is set and a Competition is chosen

On July 23, 2012 I learn about a fitness competition taking place in Fort McMurray, Alberta and I am super excited! Andrew, my trainer believes that I can be ready so the prep work starts.

As you can see below my back is coming in nicely and my shoulders are in pretty good shape. It's my lower body and abs that still need the most work.
The competiton date is set for November 17th, 2012 which means that I am currently 16 weeks out. I will be competing in the Fitness Model category.

Now that we have set a date, category and show to aim for I am of mixed emotions. Self-conscious and paranoid about whether or not I will be ready yet so excited to compete. There is so much to consider; not only the physique part of it but also the hair, makeup, suit, shoes, tan, posing, walking on stage and so on. 

This past week I increased my cardio by 20-30 minutes, 4-5 times a week in addition to my hour long weight session 5 times a week. I know that the cardio will definitely have to increase as I move forward.

Daily Supplementation:
calcium supplement, multivitamin, vitamin C, fish oil
BCAA’s usually powder throughout the day as well as 1 pre and post workout
2 caffeine pills + 2 ephedrine
ISO Sensation Protein Powder (early morning and post workout)

More to come so stay tuned!

Learning and moving Forward

As I move forward with my training, I learn about all the gym equipment and how to use it properly and my trainer pushes me to my max. I leave the gym after each session feeling completely exhausted, hardly being able to lift my arms or my legs feel like led weights and yes even with all this I am enjoying it. I feel the best I ever have in my life :)

My diet is very clean and results are beginning to show in terms of muscle definition, weight loss and endurance. I am eating no processed food at this point and its amazing how great I feel. I suffer from IBS, I often have migraine headaches and I generally have bad menstrual cramps but since I have moved toward the clean, fit lifestyle most of these issues have all but gone away.

I have come to one realization, without a trainer (for me at least), I would never have pushed myself to lift this heavy or be this consistent with workouts and diet.

Here I am completing a plank with a 45lb plate on my back.

Until next time!

The Beginning of my Fit Life

Fitness has always been apart of my life; I played sports in high school, I love to run, I even completed the Group Fitness theory course at the YMCA so that I could teach classes, i helped teach Pilates for a bit, i have completed a half marathon and I got into weights moderately at least in my early twenties. However I always wanted the tight, firm look but I never knew how or maybe I just never wanted to put in the extra effort it takes to get there.

Sure I ran daily, played sports and occasionally lifted light to moderate weights but there was little to no change in my body because I still choose to eat good but NOT clean. Clean eating takes a huge amount of will power and let's face it, it is much easier to eat junk than to have to cook your own food especially with the busy lifestyles we lead today.

Despite all of this however a fitness competition is also something that has always been on my list of things that I want to achieve in life so one day I heard friends at work talking about this great trainer (Andrew Bambury wbff pro) and so I decided to give him a call.

We met in October 2011 and I got started, he gave me a nutrition plan and daily workout schedule and I also worked out with him guiding me 2-3 times per week. Things were finally on the right track toward my fitness goals.

I started out at 156lbs and although I thought I wasn't that big and that I was in good shape--I was fat! Looking back at it now, I led a fairly healthy lifestyle and I was in half decent shape but I wasn't educated on proper diet or proper training if I wanted to really achieve my ultimate goals.

So here were my stats when I started (October 25, 2011):
weight: 156lbs
chest: 93.5cm
waist: 87.5cm
hips: 104cm
right leg: 59.5cm
right arm: 31cm

Keep reading to follow me on my journey to my first ever fitness competition.

Train Hard